Caring For Your Fiberglass Truck Slide In Camper



Let’s go over caring for your fiberglass slide in truck camper.  There’s nothing more satisfying than a clean, glossy-looking truck slide-in that sparkles in the sunlight! The good thing about fiberglass slide-ins is that they last a long time.  The bad news is they will start to show their age and look chalky.  We often get asked what customers can do to keep it looking like new. You know what they say – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Here are some easy tips to maintain that factory finish from Tufport:

Tip #1 for Care: Wash Your Slide In Regularly

Have a consistent schedule to make sure there aren’t any deep stains or grime that will penetrate into the gelcoat. When washing your slide-in, avoid using harsh chemicals. Tougher chemicals may remove stains but will degrade your existing wax. A little dish or car soap will do! A stiff brush may scratch your gelcoat so a soft cloth or sponge should be used. And make sure you rinse it all off thoroughly.  If you want to go an extra step, using a chamois to get those water spots off as well.


Tip #2 for Care: Wax Your Fiberglass Camper Regularly

Waxing your Tufport unit will help prevent the stains, UV fading and oxidization, and help prevent scratches.  You can accomplish this by hand, or by using a buffer. We suggest using a buffer with a wool pad for best results. There are some great fiberglass-specific cleaners and wax out there. Look for products made for marine use.  A very common one is Meguiar’s Marine/RV Color Restorer.  Much like your car polish, Meguiar’s contains carnauba wax. Other brands offering fiberglass-specific products are 3M and Chemical Guys.

For a quick detail, try using Chemical Guys Boat Wipe Down Quick Detailer and Water Spot Remover.  This will not provide the long-lasting shine of the previously mentioned products, but can be done in a few minutes before leaving home.  

Regularly cleaning your unit will also help you to identify any problems early on. These problems could be cracking, leaking, or any hardware that needs to be replaced.

If you’ve left the cleaning a little long or bought an older unit, consider Meguiar’s Marine/RV Fiberglass Restoration System.  This goes further than the Color Restorer to bring back the gloss after some neglect.

Well, that’s it!  It’s pretty easy to caring for your fiberglass truck slide in camper when you keep on top of it. 


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