Providing medical treatment at events and remote locations can be challenging. The latest in transportable medical care are mobile treatment centers. These industrial fiber mold slide-in units transform a four wheel drive pickup truck into an all terrain ambulance.
- “Mobile” Treatment Center (MTC) means it can travel to the exact area of the accident.
- Mounted on a full size four wheel drive pickup truck, it can traverse through mud, snow and sand to reach the injured person.
- Available at all times 24/7 and can be driven to location by anyone with a drivers licence.
- It can operate on any road surface from highways to a dirt road or trail.
- Can be well equipped with stretchers, oxygen and a wide variety of lifesaving apparatus.
- Has capacity for two basket stretcher or a basket stretcher and a roll cot.
- Any person with medical training from a first aid attendant to a paramedic or a doctor can make excellent use of the MTC and its equipment.
- Has been extensively tested for safety in use and travelling with patients aboard.
- Made from sanitary while gelcoat, it is easy to clean and disinfect which minimizes infection.
- Immediate response- “the golden hour” saves lives and minimizes shock.